2022 · 1 hr 16 min


This fun coming-of-age film details the struggles college students face when dealing with mental health issues.

Subtitles: English

CAST: Cheterra McCray Shawn Roundtree Jr. Demorris BurrowsKaaliyah LáNiece Cristina Barraza AJ Haggard

Directed by: Jalen Knight, Cheterra Mc Cray

Running 21 | Season 1 Episode 1: "It Pays To Win"

VJ, a 20 year-old hooper from Chicago with a dream of playing college ball plays pick up games to make extra cash. Will he get a scholarship, or will outside distractions take the game away from him.

Runnin 21 | Season 1 Episode 2: "Underground League"

After losing a chance at a scholarship VJ struggles on making a decision. Should he continue to look for scholarships, or look elsewhere for money.

Runnin 21 | Season 1 Episode 3: "A Price To Pay"

Zay tries to come up with money for Mooney, while Polk looks for VJ. Sky finally comes home from college visits, and Swish has family drama at home he must deal with.

Polk deals with his own drama, and makes new plans, Sky tries to figure what she wants for her future, and VJ gets ready for his biggest match up yet.

Runnin 21 | Season 1 Episode 4: "Times Ticking"

Runnin 21 | Season 1 Episode 5: "Everybody wants something"

Polk is pressing everyone for money. VJ is hit with a couple surprises, while Victor gets out the hospital.